Okay, you’ve paid for hosting with GoDaddy and created a great new website. But let’s say you want to access your webmail – where do you start? GoDaddy has a labyrinth of menus, submenus, and options to navigate, so it’s not always clear where to go.
Essentially, it all comes down to how you’d like to access it. There’s no need to worry, though – we’ll walk you through accessing GoDaddy’s webmail in several different ways.
Via A Browser
To access webmail via Godaddy’s website, you first have to log in. Next, click on “Email Management”, then look for the relevant email address. Beside it, you’ll see a button that says “Webmail”. Click it and you’ll be redirected.
That said, GoDaddy actually has a separate area for webmail, so you don’t even have to log in to its main site. Instead, start by opening your web browser. Next, go to https://email.godaddy.com/ and log in with the email address for the site you’d like to use.
There’s actually pretty decent cross-platform and cross-browser support here, so you should be fine whether you’re using Firefox, Chrome, or even Internet Explorer. Just make sure to uncheck the Keep me signed in box if you share your computer to avoid privacy issues.
Via A Smartphone
Until recently, GoDaddy actually offered a mobile app for iOS and Android that would let you access your webmail. However, this app no longer works, having been replaced with a separate, optimized site for mobile users.
To go directly to a given site’s mobile webmail page, enter “mobilemail” before the actual site name. For instance, you’d enter “mobilemail.YOURSITENAME.com”. Mobilemail is optimized for smartphones and has a cleaner, less cluttered interface than the full webmail client.
Via An Alternative Email Program
To integrate your existing email client with GoDaddy webmail, you’ll have to change a couple of settings. Firstly, you need to add an incoming server with an address of “pop.secureserver.net” on port 110 (or “imap.secureserver.net” on port 143 for IMAP). Next, you need to add the outgoing server. This is “smtpout.secureserver.net” and it uses port 80.
Now that you can access GoDaddy webmail, take the time to read our other guides: how to find your SMTP server name on your PC and how to check your Juno Email with IMAP. These guides may help you in the future.